I know I said that the next candidate for stripping and painting would be the kitchen window, but with temps and humidity in the nineties, I really don't feel like sitting on a ladder in the southern sun. Instead I decided to start on the front porch windows. There are several reasons besides the weather: it's the side that faces the road, it would show that I'm actually working on the house ,and Amy's new color scheme would look better with the windows done.
So tonight I got re-acquainted with a few old friends (see photo). They're real cut ups too, as testified by my hands. As much as I enjoy the stripping bit but quickly remembered that it won't reach all the little crevices and corners, so out came the hand tools.
The putty knife belonged to my grandfather and has served many jobs quite well, in fact it's the only one I have going easily from scraping to glazing. The carpet knife is another old tool that has found new uses. The curved blade is great for corners.
Even though I only worked on one of the three windows, it was really exciting. They have been painted shut for probably thirty plus years but tonight both of the double hung panes are fully functional. I also debating whether these are the original windows. They may be, but they've been fitted with metal rails to help insulate all the joints. Either way we now have a nice breeze through the front room. I can hardly wait for all three windows to open!
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