After trying to juggle several varieties of blogs I've decided that PRH will be my primary communication. So my "New Year's Resolution" is to include more of what makes this house our home. In that regards, let me introduce you to the cast of characters who color my world, a veritable bouquet of blessings.
First and foremost is the Queen of Roses, my bride of twelve years who provides much needed discretion when plotting out projects and unfailing support once those projects have been committed upon. We've also been blessed with two little rose buds - a Prince and Princess, both heirs to unique blends of our personalities and temperaments. Other characters will often frequent our garden much like the birds and squirrels.
So sit back and enjoy the passing of our seasons as we share the way our home continues to grow upon our lives.
So sit back and enjoy the passing of our seasons as we share the way our home continues to grow upon our lives.
How beautifully put.