Picture Worth 1000 Words

I wish a thousand words could give me a picture, we've lost the digital camera. It's last known location was the zoo so maybe the monkeys are having fun with it. And we still haven't found a perfect substitute for our oven's bake element. I'm just not keen about spending $60 online to "try one out".
We really sweated it out today though. Cleaned out the garage and reorganized everything. There's a yard sale pile, all the bikes lined up and all the garden supplies are organized. I also made a pegboard for all the tools, they're finally up off the floor and not falling all over each other.
I also changed out a couple storms and screens. One project that moved to the forefront is the kitchen windows - they are in sad shape. The top sashes won't stay up (pulley ropes are frayed and the sash weights get jammed in the wall) and paint is peeling off. I need to also build new storm/screen windows. Any suggestions on the best wood to use? Pine seems too cheap and cedar probably wouldn't take paint well.
