Jeepers Creepers

Have you ever spied one of these creepy crawlies? It's a Common House Centipede and I've seen some big ones in the basement. They usually stay out of sight during the day but occasionally I frighten one (and vice versa) at night when flipping on the light. They are just so freaky when you're not expecting it. But they are good bugs - by eating flies, ants and cockroaches, none of which I've found in the house. Since they rarely bite humans, as long as we keep our distance from each other and maintain a healthy respect for each others habits, we get along ok.


  1. I have seen several of these buggers in my basement and even caught one trapsing across the kitchen floor. I found out what it was by an internet search and was relieved to find out they are a good bug but displeased to know that the first let of 'legs' turns into fangs for catching food. I just want them to keep their distance and continue eating worse bugs.

  2. I should so not be freaked out by this because bugs in Texas are ENORMOUS and EVERYWHERE, but jeepers! That's creepy looking.

    Texas centipedes are highly poisonous. Luckily, other than the monster roaches and tiger mosquitoes which take over in spring, we've been blissfully bug free (no brown recluse this season, no scorpions, yay!).

  3. I wish they would eat each other.

  4. I have not seen of any of these in our house but I do fight with ants most of the summer. Do you have any House Centipedes available to hire out?
    In Alabama we had something called a Camel Cricket that liked the dark, damp areas. They had big hind legs that helped them jump.

  5. Ew, Ew, Ew! Look at those long legs! Back a few months ago, the girls found something similar *in their bed* as they climbed in for the night. Talk about scary!

  6. Ben,
    Man, do I hate those things. My parents house is infested with them. I remember putting on a pair of shoes in the summertime, thinking there must be a piece of paper or thread in the toe of the shoe. I pulled out my foot and a centipede came crawling up between my toes! Blech!

  7. We had those in ourhouse when we bought it. They were running around in the bathtubs..ick!

    Interesting side note...centipedes, millipedes..etc, are distant relatives of the lobster, shrimp family.
    Coincidence I have stopped eating those foods since I learned that fact? Hmmm.....
    The Internet has all sorts of weird info on them. I remember when doing seaches I founds sites that claimed the house centipedes are capable of hissing, and biting humans. Ick ick ick!!!!!
    Thank goodness for the exterminator!


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