The Price of Heat

Just got the price quote from Radiant Floor Company for all the supplies needed to install PEX radiant heating in the basement and first floor. The total: $8,205.25 That doesn't include installation which I'd have to do myself. It does include $3,647 for a fancy Polaris water heater. I'll have to dig up the price quote and compare it to Radiantec's. I've even thought about building my own system from scratch since Lowe's sells Zurn PEX plumbing supplies. Perhaps a few long term, cost savings charts would help clarify too.


  1. This Old House and a couple of shows on the DIY Network have done programs on installing radiant floor heating. It doesn't look too difficult, except fot intalling the water heater thingy (which I wouldn't try). I feel pretty comfotrable replacing something when the pipes are already there, but I don't like to figure out how to put something in from scratch (especially when it's filled with explosive gasses). But that's just me.

    The PEX looks pretty easy to install once you have the right tool.

  2. Pigeon Point had the boiler installed, and intalled all the infloor stuff themselves. Might be hard to find a contractor willing to do that though.


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